Hello Experts,
I have generated the QR within the Sales Invoice report but the problem is while I am trying to generate the same with Arabic characters it wont appear.
Following are the code.
Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder qrCode;
System.String netString;
str tempFileName;
System.Drawing.Bitmap netBitmap;
FileIOPermission perm;
BinData binData;
container imageContainer;
netString = _QRDataString;//"ahmed muhammad alam and mohammad el sayed are the best brothers in bakheet along with Mr. Kashif choudry";
qrCode = new Microsoft.Dynamics.QRCode.Encoder();
netBitmap = qrCode.Encode(netString); //encode the string as Bitmap can be used already
tempFileName = qrCode.GetTempFile(netString); //to get the QR temporary file
perm = new FileIOPermission(tempFileName,'r');
binData = new binData();
imageContainer = binData.getData(); //get the QR code image put inside container so can be stored inside database for storing or reporting purpose
return binData.getData();