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How do I separate "Sales contacts" from "Marketing contacts" ?

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I want to know how can I separate Sales Contacts from Marketing Contacts. Is this option is given in out of the box or it needs some configurations.

For example:

I create a contact in Marketing, and I don't want that contact to show in sales contacts.

Please help, Thanks in advance.


Hamid Hassan

  • Hamid Hassan Profile Picture
    Hamid Hassan 72 on at
    RE: How do I separate "Sales contacts" from "Marketing contacts" ?

    Hi Shailesh,

    I followed the same steps as enter "Y/N" in marketing only field and create new view to show records with respect this marketing only field in sales and marketing.


  • Suggested answer
    ShaileshJain Profile Picture
    ShaileshJain on at
    RE: How do I separate "Sales contacts" from "Marketing contacts" ?

    hey Hamid, agreed with Clofly that using "marketing only" flag can be leveraged to create view that excludes them on sales view

  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: How do I separate "Sales contacts" from "Marketing contacts" ?

    Hi Hamid,

    Currently we couldn't make records created from one app not show in another app. i.e: Contacts created in Sales Hub couldn't be set to only available in Sales Hub.

    There is a two options field "Marketing only" in Contact entity, it will let us know whether the contact is only for marketing, so you could take workaround below as reference. (The field has been added to Contact form > Details tab > Marketing section.)

    1. Run a JS function for all forms of Contact entity in Marketing app, it will set “Marketing Only field to Yes if current app is "Marketing".(Optional, you could also set the field manually.)

    Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().getCurrentAppName().then(function(app) {
        if (app === 'Marketing') {
    }, function() {

    How to get current app name by JS:

    2. Apply filter "Marketing Only equals to No"  to all existing views in Sales Hub.


    3. Create a copy of "My Active Contacts" view or "Active Contacts" view, name it as "My Active Contacts(Marketing Only)".

    The only difference between the copied view and the existing view is that the filter will become to "Marketing Only equals Yes".


    4. Edit Marketing app in, only enable "My Active Contacts(Marketing Only)" view to the app.

    (Keep other necessary views based on your requirement.)



    Finally, marketing Only contacts will only display in Marketing app.



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