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Consuming Inbound service

Posted on by 1,548

I created the following class for service "CCService" and created a service group called "CCServiceGroup"

class CC
    public ContractResponse createCust(ContractRequest cust)
        CustTable custTable;
        ContractResponse response = new ContractResponse();

         custTable.AccountNum = custDetails.CustomerAccount();
         custTable.CustGroup = custDetails.CustGroup();

        return response;

//ContractResponse returns string success
//ContractRequest has accountNum and CustGroup parameters

I added the clientId in D365FO

I took the code for AuthenticationUtility, SoapUtility and SoapConsoleApplication from github:

Now in the code for SoapConsoleApplication, how i'm going to call the service above?

Here's the code for SoapConsoleApplication

using AuthenticationUtility;
using SoapUtility.UserSessionServiceReference;
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Channels;

namespace SoapConsoleApplication
    class Program
        public const string UserSessionServiceName = "UserSessionService";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var aosUriString = ClientConfiguration.Default.UriString;

            var oauthHeader = OAuthHelper.GetAuthenticationHeader();
            var serviceUriString = SoapUtility.SoapHelper.GetSoapServiceUriString(UserSessionServiceName, aosUriString);

            var endpointAddress = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(serviceUriString);
            var binding = SoapUtility.SoapHelper.GetBinding();

            var client = new UserSessionServiceClient(binding, endpointAddress);
            var channel = client.InnerChannel;

            UserSessionInfo sessionInfo = null;

            using (OperationContextScope operationContextScope = new OperationContextScope(channel))
                HttpRequestMessageProperty requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();
                requestMessage.Headers[OAuthHelper.OAuthHeader] = oauthHeader;
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = requestMessage;
                sessionInfo = ((UserSessionService)channel).GetUserSessionInfo(new GetUserSessionInfo()).result;

            Console.WriteLine("User ID: {0}", sessionInfo.UserId);
            Console.WriteLine("Is Admin: {0}", sessionInfo.IsSysAdmin);

when i ran this code i got this error on this line: sessionInfo = ((UserSessionService)channel).GetUserSessionInfo(new GetUserSessionInfo()).result;
 The message with Action '' cannot be processed at the receiver, due to a ContractFilter mismatch at the EndpointDispatcher. This may be because of either a contract mismatch (mismatched Actions between sender and receiver) or a binding/security mismatch between the sender and the receiver.  Check that sender and receiver have the same contract and the same binding (including security requirements, e.g. Message, Transport, None).

How to solve this error and how to call my service ?

  • MatthieuHz Profile Picture
    MatthieuHz 15 on at
    Consuming Inbound service
    Hello everyone,
    I faced the same issue today
    Is there a support issue open ? I can't find anything on LCS
    Thank you very much
  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,548 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Sorry i meant NameSequence, how can i pass this value?

    i can't put EnumMemberAttribute in my D365 class, so what u are saying is i should make the request of type string? and pass string in c#? and if it wasn't extensible true, it would have worked normally?

    i should call the validate write before the insert right? i thought this gets called automatically before inserting.

  • Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Hi Junior AX,

    Looks like there is some kind of issue in D365 with Extensible enums and D365 doesn't generate service definition correctly. But you can always use a string and convert string to enum value via symbol2Enum function.

    EDT NameAlias has type string, not sure how it was converted to int64. Are you using this EDT in the member parm method? Have you updated service in C# after you added a new member?

    If you want to be sure that you filled all important fielde, call custTable.validateWrite() and check the output of the method.

  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,548 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Hi Sergie,

    can i ask another thing related to this service.

    if i added to the request class, DirPartyType and NameAlias DataMemberAttributes ( as u knw dirPartyType is an enum, and NameAlias is int64).

        public DirPartyType DirPartyType(DirPartyType _dirPartyType = dirPartyType)
            dirPartyType = _dirPartyType;
            return dirPartyType;

    In c# code, when i want to fill, they type or NameAlias, is there a way not to fill like a string?

    request.DirPartType = "Person"

    so in that case, the only way is in the service class to check: 

    if (request.DirPartyTpe() == DirParType::Person || request.DirPartyTpe() == DirParType::Organzition)





    throw error (" not valid");



    or is there a way to do  to be able not to hard code the type in C#? also what about NameAlias how i'm going to fill it in c#?

    i thought maybe in c# i could say if the type is person then fill the fields related to dirPerson and if Organization then fill organization fields?

    also when creating a customer, is there other important tables i need to fill other than customer, and dirPartyTable?

  • Suggested answer
    Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Hi JuniorAX,

    Here is information about number sequences

    In use - mean that number sequence is in use (i think it's switched to yes, as soon as the first number is allocated from number sequence)

  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,548 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    yeah it works now thanks alot, btw what does inUse flag and continuous flag means?

  • Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Hi JuniorAX,

    Try to unmark "Manual" checkbox from number sequence.

  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,548 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    yeah the debug worked, i had to attach to iisexpress first then go to SoapConsole and  start new instance thank you.

    As for the number sequence, yes i do have existing customers  and several companies but when calling the service i specified in the call context that i want a certain company. (the scope in setup is company)

    Right now if i try to create customer manually from the environment, it doesn't give me a numberSeq i have to fill it by hand so it seems the setup is wrong somehow right?

  • Sergei Minozhenko Profile Picture
    Sergei Minozhenko 23,089 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service

    Hi JuniorAx,

    According to the set up next number is 1. Do you have any existing customers in the system? Do you have several companies in your environment?

    You can debug your service in D365 as you usually debug any x++ code. Soap request can be done from another VS instance.

  • junior AX Profile Picture
    junior AX 1,548 on at
    RE: Consuming Inbound service


    1. it's set up

    2. it's not continuous

    3. what do u mean by this? 
    here are my settings, is there anything i need to do to make number seq works?

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