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Apply filter by default to an entity list on a power apps portal

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Here's a scenario I seem to be struggling to find a solution for. My scenario is similar to the scenario below:
  • I have an entity list configured on lets say contacts. The entity list has two views Active Contacts and Inactive Contacts
  • A filter is created which filters out the records based on the user who created the record.
  • So I load the active contacts, select a user and filter. The list shows all contacts created by that user.
  • Now, I change the view to Inactive Contacts. The list shows all inactive contacts completely disregarding the filter.
Is there a way, I can apply the already set filter on view selection? Currently, I have to let the list load all records and click the Apply / Filter button to filter out the information. Thanks.
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Apply filter by default to an entity list on a power apps portal
    Hi Partner,
    This filter configuration?
    If so, we can't filter another view with same condition set in first view after switching views.
    Maybe you can filter lists based on one field in the pages through code:
    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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