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GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

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Posted on by 75,788 Moderator

Knowing how much fun it is dealing with issues with the ASIEXP81 table during upgrades I thought I would be proactive with another upgrade I am doing. What exactly is this telling me and why does it make the upgrade fail?  There are 2,095 records in the ASIEXP86 table and this query return 27 records.


I am doing the first hop of a GP 2015 to GP upgrade so this is GP 2015 to GP 2016. I can let the upgrade fail and look for duplicates but that is not what this script does. In this case can I simply delete the records where there is no match?

  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Did you say Pub Crawl?   I almost forgot what that was . . . . . or did I !!!!

    I am in for sure - Fargo 2021 Pub Crawl for Derek and Team.

    Only if we can take over the Holiday Inn and sit in the halls all night long.  

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    I think we should chip in and buy Derek and his team dinner. It has been such a pleasure to have such expertise on the other side. So once we get all this virus hullabaloo over with lets make this happen. Bring back the Fargo Pub Crawl!

  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Thanks, as always  your explanations (details) make your short answers very clear.  

  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    To best summarize it, GP Utilities when it is upgrading existing tables will write a record into the DU000030 table whether the table is successfully upgraded or failed.

    It also uses this table, along with the DU000010 table, to determine which tables need to be upgraded between 'old' GP version and 'New' GP version, as well to determine its spot in an upgrade should it fail and need to be re-started, so it doesn't try and upgrade tables that were already upgraded.

    From time to time, if there are records from a previous upgrade, GP Utilities will get confused to where it won't upgrade a table(s) thinking it was already done, and there won't be any type of error message as the table isn't attempted to be upgraded, but usually, not always, we'll catch it later in the upgrade when we create the new Views, Triggers, Stored Proecedures, etc., when it looks for the new table columns and doesn't find them, resulting in a 'invalid column name' error.

    Sometimes we don't see any errors at all and the upgrade will go through, but then we see errors like Richard mentioned within the GP application, though rare that we don't catch them before.

  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Derek, can you give a bit of background on why the DU000030 table should be cleared before starting an upgrade?  

    I think like most would not have known to clear that table - but based on this conversation I will be making sure that I clear it before starting my most current update - GP2015 to GP 18


  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Yeah, old records in the DU000030 table can cause weird things to happen during an upgrade of Dynamics GP.......I've seen an upgrade fail on 15-20 tables, restore everything back and truncate DU000030 and the upgrade went through without any issues at all.........

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Good reminder. I just checked the DU0000030 table after the upgrade and there are 240 records sitting in there scattered amongst their 4 companies.

  • RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    ADH00100 is a relatively new table, I think it got added when we introduced Workflow 2.0, probably GP 2013 R2, then it gets updated at probably GP 2016 to have the new columns, that should be about it.

    The only suggestion I guess I'd mention would be to make sure the DU000030 table is completely empty before starting any upgrade, whether major version upgrade such as GP 2015 to GP 2016, or just a service pack/hotfix update.


  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Derek, looks like you have done it again. Recreating those stored procedures appears to have done the trick. Now this is two upgrades for these folks where the same issues occurs. Could there be something in their DYNAMICS database causing this?

  • Richard Wheeler Profile Picture
    Richard Wheeler 75,788 Moderator on at
    RE: GP 2015 to GP 2016 Upgrade fails on ASIEXP86 table

    Derek, in the DU0000020 table there is a reference to Smartlist Builder for GP 10. That was probably when this custom Smartlist was created. SLB was never upgraded but this SL is constantly used. They are currently on GP 2015. Is the any way I can export this one SL, remove all the current SLs and reinstall the SLs and then import this custom SL? Either that or fix this current problem without blowing everything away.

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