Hi all,
I send an email to some user when a file is added in CRM.
When I insert the file the program asks to save before adding the file, so Automate throws this error .... when file is added the flow work well.
Can somebody suggest some idea to prevent the first step (save before attaching file) error?
Thanks for any idea or suggestion
Do you want document which are present on the Document location entity correct ?
If yes then you will have to get this documents from the share point. There is a reason behind it, As you have document location which is a indicator that you have a active share point integration with the D365, So when user will try to add a document to respective record it will be stored in share point, Before saving it will create a initial folder and saves your files in share point to reduce the CRM burden.
Please refer below which will provide more information about it.
Thank You,
Amit katariya
as specified in last post, there are 2entities:
- opportunity
- opportunity documents
in the 2nd entity are stored the attachments
Where does your attachment? on Opportunity or some other entity? because as per Pradeep's example attachment is part of account record and when we try to get the account record info, attachment will be also part of the payload.
Hi Pradeep Rai
thanks for your cortesy and your kindness.
Maybe I've not understood, my english is not so good ...
I have no filter condition in any step .... I try to put some filter to avoid the problem of error (1st post) when create the document, that get well when I attach the file.
In "opportunty" I have no files attached; files are attached to "Opportunità _Documenti" (opportunity documents in english)....I take a look at output of opportunity table and there are nothing about attachments.
My last post was a question, if there is a possibility in a similar way.
Please try by removing filter condition and you can get the filename from "opportunity" entity it self.
For e.g. on opportunity you have file type field with logical name as cr07a_fileoppallegato then just add "_name" at end during record retrieval as shown in below example done on account entity.
After runs,
Actual logical name:
Hope this helps.
Thank You,
Pradeep Rai.
Hi Pradeep Rai
in other flow that I've find in my organization (send an email when opportunity is acquired), I find a similar trigger that is working well with parameters highlighted.
In my flow the parameter to put in "Select Columns" is "cr07a_fileoppallegato", but i dont know the parameter to insert in "Filter Rows" to try ....
I thought that something like "cr07a_fileoppallegato ne null" but the flow doesn't start.
Will check on this.
Hi Pradeep Rai
In the trigger I'm not able to find the complete name of file attached that I insert in final mail
Thank you for details.
I have one question, what is the use of steps 2 because the records GUID we can get from trigger point
Hi Pradeep Rai
thanks for suggestion, I've a case as your. I try to replicate:
but result is the same:
1st in red give the error of "no file attachment"
2nd works
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