1. When i create a PO and put a value on /customer reference/ and then try to add an attachment,
/New/ button is grey, why ?
2. Since when can you update /vendor name/ and /purchase type/ ??
3. When i create a PO i arrive first on /lines/ (so the first line is empty) but I first need to update fields in /header/ for instance fiancial dimensions, everytime I press /save/, it automatically takes me back to lines...
Purchase type cannot be changed from Purchase order to Journal because the purchase order is in external review or confirmed.
I could change the vendor even after the Product receipt generated however it might have issues in three way matching if the price mismatches due to changes of price by TA
You need to update Active document tables as below. Then you can attach. I can't speak to the other issues - odd behavior indeed. What version are you on? I tested in Contoso 10.0.37 and saw the same behavior.
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