Hi Satendra,
More information:
You can use Global::strSplit(str _stringToSplit, str _delimiters) to split string(values in the grid) into a list.
And override the executeQuery() method by the following codes:
List list =global::strSplit(str _stringToSplit, str _delimiters);
ListIterator iterator;
iterator = new ListIterator(list);
{ this.query().datasourceTable(tableNum(yourtable)).addrange(fieldnum(yourTable,YourField)).value('iterator.value();');
Hope this helps.
Hi Satendra,
1. Override modifiedField for combobox and run Table_ds.executeQuery() after super (In you case table_ds should be replaced with your data source)
2. Override executeQuery for data source form point 1
3. Before super convert value from combobox to container and back to a string separated by comma (Check the first message). Apply range to the needed field in the data source
And check also form LogisticsPostalAddressLookup it has simial approach for roleTypes (key methods: Init, LogisticsLocationMain.executeQuery)
I got these values but i don't understand the howto filter records by these values in the grid.
Hi Satendra,
Do you want to achieve that you can select multiple items in the lookup control?
Have a look at this class SysLookupMultiSelectCtrl, which will serve multi selection in the grid lookup control.
Refer to the following blog:
Hi Satendra,
If I understand you correctly you want to select multiple records in Combobox and filter records by this value in the grid.
You can use strsplit or str2con to split value from combobox to a certain value and then add ranges for each value separately.
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