Hello, I hope you are doing well.
We are using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012-CU 13 in our retail stores with + 2000 stores and +30 warehouses. Now the business decides to sell fruit in the stores beside other products.
There is a clear requirement in this case: We buy items from supplier and sell them in the stores with X% discount. It might be cases that after one or two days the fruit items in the store, lose their quality and we want to sell them with (X+Y)% .
We want to fulfill this requirement, with a discount barcode in a way that define three discount barcode for each fruit item (Class A= Totally fresh, Class B, Class C) but actually it is somehow hard for the cashier to scan a barcode for the item recognition and one barcode for its discount. Is there any way that we could define a barcode mask setup that includes Product, Quantity and Discount altogether? Actually I defined it, but id doesn't performed in the POS but when separated Product and Discount barcodes it performed.
If you have any other solution, I will be very thankful if you share your solution.