RE: Managing Contact sign-in on event website
Hi Nikoleta,
To run a event website locally:
1. Download Nodejs and Angular to your local machine:
after you have installed Nodejs, then in node js command console(in Start menu), run command below to install Angular:
npm install -g @angular/cli
2. Follow doc guide:
Or you could take my screenshot with description as example, I have contained required steps in a screenshot.
We only need to make configuration on envrionment.ts file(in src\environments, by default it's empty, please copy template from environment.selfhosted.ts)
3. After all configurations have been done, in extracted foler, still open nodejs command console,
run "npm install" in root path(where you can find src folder) to download dependent packages automactically for event website.
4. Run "ng serve" to check result, when console displays complied successfully.