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Finance | Project Operations, Human Resources, ...
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Mass creating accounts

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Hi Everyone,

I have a need to replicate all my accounts for a new location I have created in GP.

How can I use the mass modify tool to do this?

Thank you!

  • Ovi1Ken0vi Profile Picture
    Ovi1Ken0vi 15 on at
    RE: Mass creating accounts

    My scenario was the second one. Thank you Brandon for your help with this!

  • Suggested answer
    Hokuminaria Profile Picture
    Hokuminaria 2,950 on at
    RE: Mass creating accounts

    Hello Ovi1Ken0vi,

    Are you referring to bring your chart of accounts over to a new company? Or are you referring to a new Segment being added?

    If you are referring to bringing the Chart of Accounts over to a new Company, you can use the PSTL Copy Company Tool. Here is a link to download the PDF for PSTL Tools.

    If you are adding a new Segment, you test the steps below creating accounts with this new Segment.

    I recommend testing this in a test company with a copy of live data to ensure that you receive the results you are looking for:

    KB 871973 How to set up a test company that has a copy of live company data by using SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 2000, or SQL Server 2005

    1. Let's say my chart of accounts is xxx-xxxx-xx.
    2. I am adding 333 to my first segment.
    3. I want all of my Existing Accounts to have an account created that starts with 333.
    4. In the Mass Modify, i would choose the following options.
      1. Modify = Copy.
      2. Account = All.
      3. New Mask = Enter the Number for the new Segment in the section you are wanting to add.
      4. Leave the rest of the Account Mask as ????
      5. Click Modify.
      6. Let the process Finish.


    1. Now, when i go look at my Chart of Accounts, i see this new Segment in my Accounts now.


    I hope this helps!

    Please let us know if you have any questions or provide additional information on the scenario you are experiencing.

    Thank you!

    Microsoft Support Enginer | Brandon Jarrett

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