We are trying to post AP invoices with coding similar to following example:
We received a bill for telephone expense totaling $500 - for 3 different phone lines. We would like to separate the charges by phone line for reconciliation purposes.
We would post the AP invoice as such:
DR. Telephone Expense $140 (phone line #1)
DR. Telephone Expense $200 (phone line #2)
DR. Telephone Expense $160 (phone line #3)
CR. Accounts Payable $500
Once this is posted and we navigate to the Telephone Expense GL the entry only shows as a total of
DR. Telephone Expense $500.
Is there anyway to change the entry from combining itself? We've encountered the same issue with AR Sales Invoices.
You can make use "Additional Grouping Identifier" in Invoice Posting Buffer to populate the line no and group based on it.
Create below 2 subscriber function , one for AR and one for AP
codeunit 50110 "Subscriber Codeunit"
//For AR Posting
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table,Database::"Invoice Post. Buffer",'OnAfterInvPostBufferPrepareSales','', true, true)]
procedure GroupSalesBuffer(var InvoicePostBuffer: Record "Invoice Post. Buffer";
SalesLine: Record "Sales Line")
InvoicePostBuffer."Additional Grouping Identifier" :=
format(SalesLine."Line No.", 0, 2);
//For AP Posting
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Table,Database::"Invoice Post. Buffer",'OnAfterInvPostBufferPreparePurchase','', true, true)]
procedure GroupPurchBuffer(var InvoicePostBuffer:Record "Invoice Post. Buffer";
PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line")
InvoicePostBuffer."Additional Grouping Identifier" :=
format(PurchaseLine."Line No.", 0, 2);
Thank you - do you have any information on the customization required until wave 2 is released?
Thank you - this only seems to work if your dimensions are different for each line item - which isn't always the case.
If you use the dimensions feature the GL Entries created should be split, so that might help you.
This feature to split per line will be released in Release Wave 2
If you need it now , you need to customize a bit for the posting process to group per line.
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