I have migrated a number of legacy Incidents into D365.
These were migrated with an "Active" state code but now need to be resolved. I
When the Incident is resolved using the UI it creates an incidentresolution and associated activity record.
The incidentresolution record has the following attribution.
activityid | activitytypecode | activitytypecodename | incidentid | regardingobjectid | regardingobjectidtype | resolutiontypecode | resolutiontypecodename | statecode | statecodename | statuscode | statuscodename | subject |
<activityguid> | incidentresolution | Case Resolution | <incidentguid> | <incidentguid> | incident | 5 | Problem Solved | 1 | Completed | 2 | Closed | Completed Case |
However, when I create a similar recordset and try to create the incidentresolution record using the ADF Copy Activity I get the following error:
The provided target: 'incident' is not a valid target of field: 'regardingobjectid'.
Valid targets are: 'account;bookableresourcebooking;bookableresourcebookingheader;bulkoperation;campaign;campaignactivity;entitlement;entitlementtemplate;interactionforemail;knowledgearticle;knowledgebaserecord;lead"
What am I missing in order to resolve the D365 incident?
Any help is greatly appreciated.