In the Case SLA configuration, we have 2 steps one is Initial case resolution (Resolve by KPI) and another one is for Reopened Case (Re-opened Case KPI).
The success criteria for Initial Case resolution is considered the when the case contains “First Time resolved In” and “First Time resolved” as “yes”. When the case is resolved we update the “First Time resolved In” with the case resolved time and “First Time resolved” as yes from the plugin.
When the case is reactivated for the noncompliant case(initial case resolution - sla failed), both the Resolve by KPI and Reopened case KPI process triggers in the backend and it satisfies the “Resolve by KPI” condition and it is updated as succeeded.
Is there a way to trigger only the Re-opened Case KPI when the case is reactivated and whatever the initial case resolution is status is available it should not change .?