Dear all,
There is an issue we don't seem to find an answer for so I thought the easiest would just be to pop the question here.
Sorry if my description is not relfecting accurately the problematic :
Our current systemconfiguration is a AX201R3 (CU13) with WHS that is exposing Webservices through AIF to our B2C Webshop : synchronizing products, stock levels and orders with AX.
Our problematic is as follows : we are, more often that we would like, in stock shortage for some of our items.
This is, for us , a strategic issue as a B2C sale lost is lost forever.
Our objective is hence to allow to give priority to available stock to our "Webshop" AX client.
Meaning that a share of the available stock is "reserved" to our Webshop Client; forbidding any other to reserve it.
Each B2C order (unsually one or 2 units) would then take the units from this "reserved" stock .
We see 2 options here :
1. A separate Warehouse where dedicated quantities for B2C webshop would be stored. However this means a lot of extra activites (including TOs) to maintain this new Warehouse and this is our least prefered option.
2. Creating a Sales order reserving quantities for that Webshop Client. This would also mean updating the way the creation of orders from our Webshop works to automatically deduce one unit of the "large SO " each time one single unit is sold. But , as said, this means extra developpement.
So my question to you is : do you guys are aware of any other way to achieve our objective of being able to pre-reserve quantities prior to receveing the actual Sales orders ?
Thanks in advance
Best Regards
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