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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)
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Export pictures from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee


I would like to export pictures from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

I try to export with the following script :

declare @path varchar(100)= 'C:\Pictures\'

SELECT [Picture]

,@path+[MyID] AS Path

FROM [MyTable]

Files are correctly created with a size which seems to be correct, but the image seems to be crypted, regarding the structure of the file , it is not a jpg, bmp ....

The structure of the files begins like this :

0x01447C5A1A2886BEC7BD0AF5B2..... ...

Thank you in advance for you help

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  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Export pictures from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

    Thank you for your help

  • Suggested answer
    Roberto Stefanetti Profile Picture
    Roberto Stefanetti 12,998 on at
    RE: Export pictures from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009


    I know that does not solve the problem but I'll give you some links and examples

    BLOB Fields

    If you are using NAV BLOB Fields; by default the Compressed property is <Yes>, which means the value is zipped and not usable externally; Change this property to No and the value will be the binary of a normal bitmap format (provided that is whats stored there) which you can extract and display externally.

    Some samples & links

    NAV export samples:


    // export blobs as bmp files



       PictureFileName := FormatFileName(FilePath,Item."No.");






    IF item.Picture.HASVALUE THEN



          DOWNLOADINTOSTREAM(InStrm, 'Save  image', 'E:\', '*.bmp', '');


    Form 346 ...




    Use Encode\Decode 64 functions to convert a BLOB to Base64

    ex: Codeunit 99008516 - BizTalk XML DOM Management

        Function 'GetPicture' converts a Base64 encoded DOM node to binary and imports it into a BLOB.  

        Function 'AddPicture' converts a BLOB to Base64 encoding and adds it to an XML doc...

    You can use Encode\Decode 64 functions on sql server stored procedures, views, sql scripts

    Basically, a BLOB field in NAV contains a byte-array, so the challenge is how to read or write this byte-array and use it in the conversion methods. In .Net we can use Stream objects to work with byte-arrays.

    .NET Base64 encoding\decoding

    To convert a Base64 string to binary data, we can use the "Convert.FromBase64String" method. It accepts a string as input parameter and returns a converted byte-array.

    To convert binary data to a Base64 string, we can use the "Convert.ToBase64String" method. It accepts a byte-array and returns a Base64 encoded string.

    To exchange binary data in a web service, it is common use to convert the binary data to Base64 encoding. The .Net Framework has built-in support for Base64 converting with the System.Convert class.

    Good link this:

    How to import and export BLOB fields using Dataports in Navision

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