Hello All,
Background info: I manage AX2012R3 and we have a single AD account being used for the BC proxy account and the AOS service account for our Production environment as well as multiple test and dev environments. We recently needed to change this account's password for security purposes and it is daunting tracking down the multiple places this account needs changed. I was looking to at least minimize the immediate effort by using a second AD account for test and dev environments, since I have multiple non-prod environments. I followed the steps to get one separate test environment working under the second AD account (AOS component uninstall, reinstall, SSRS perm changes, etc. But when I perform a routine database refresh from prod to this changed test environment with the second AD account, I find that there are multiple issues to additionally resolve to change the bc proxy account and service account for the target environment to function.
Is anyone using separate service accounts for PROD and TEST and what steps are required to allow this to happen smoothly when refreshing the databases?