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User is able to see all tasks

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Posted on by 92

I have data in my CRM online separated by Business Units. I notice even if a user does not have access to a certain business unit, they are able to see the tasks created for clients in other business units. 

These are Task Views so how do I restrict access so they only see based on their Business Unit or security role.

  • VANTAGE Profile Picture
    VANTAGE 92 on at
    RE: User is able to see all tasks

    I finally figured it out. Even though the user's Security Role had read permission at BU level they still could not see timeline on a shared contact. When sharing I had to give them Write permission as well and now timeline shows activities. Since this security role had read only access for Contact entity they are still restricted to read only permissions and can't mess up anything.

    Not sure why it worked like this but that solved the issue.

  • Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 438 on at
    RE: User is able to see all tasks

    Can you please check the security role of the user with whom you have shared the records? If the user doesn’t have read privilege of the activity entity, then they will not be able to see the activities on Timeline. Also, make sure that you have given at least read access permission while sharing the records.

    Select record -> Share (Ribbon button) -> Select User/Team -> Permissions


    When you have given the read access permission, you can see the activities on Timeline as shown in the below screenshot.


    When you haven’t given the read access permission, you can’t see the activities on Timeline as shown below.


    On the same screen, you can see with whom you have shared the records and what permissions are given.

    Hope this helps.


  • VANTAGE Profile Picture
    VANTAGE 92 on at
    RE: User is able to see all tasks

    Hi Sam,

    User had Org level access to Activity so I changed it to BU level. However, now they don't see any activity on the timeline on Contact screen like email was sent, note was left, etc because that is either being generated by system or Admin user using workflow or left by someone who is not part of the same BU.

    If a contact is shared with user in a different BU shouldn't they be able to see all Activity as well regardless if it's in theor BU or not?

  • Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 438 on at
    RE: User is able to see all tasks

    Can you please assure that the user has a security role with Business Unit privileges (read) for the activity entity? Also, do check whether the user is added to any team which has higher access privileges for the activity entity. In case yes, it will inherit the team access privileges, as it is the default behavior of Dynamics 365 CRM.

    Hope this will help you.


  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,961 Moderator on at
    RE: User is able to see all tasks


    Can you please verify if User is part of any Team and Team has security role assigned which causing the records to be visible to this user.

    I hope you have given BU level permission on security role assigned to the User.

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