Hi preetham,
To set lookup field(preetham_refferdid) value, we should create an array object with id, name and entityType properties.
Please modify your Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords function like below.
Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords("preetham_doctors", fetchxml).then( function success(response) { for (var i = 0; i < response.entities.length; i ) { var responseobj = response.entities[i]; var lookup = new Array(); lookup[0] = new Object(); lookup[0].id = responseobj.preetham_doctorsid; lookup[0].name = responseobj.preetham_name; lookup[0].entityType = 'preetham_doctors'; formcontext.getAttribute("preetham_refferedid").setValue(lookup); } }, function (error) { Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("failed"); } )
Alternatively, it also works if we shorten them in single line.(Not declaring array and object.)
formcontext.getAttribute("preetham_refferedid").setValue([{id: responseobj.preetham_doctorsid, name: responseobj.preetham_name, entityType:'preetham_doctors'}]);
Addfilter is not triggering is ther any otherway to do it .
i have tried using webapi
function Alertmethod(executionContext)
var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext(); // get formContext
var department_id=formContext.getAttribute("preetham_departmentid").getValue()[0].id
var fetchxml="<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='false'>"+
" <entity name='preetham_doctors'>"+
" <attribute name='preetham_doctorsid' />"+
" <attribute name='preetham_name' />"+
" <attribute name='createdon' />"+
" <order attribute='preetham_name' descending='false' />"+
" <filter type='and'>"+
" <condition attribute='preetham_departmentsid' operator='eq' value='"+department_id+"' />"+
" </filter>"+
" </entity>"+
Xrm.WebApi. retrieveMultipleRecords("preetham_doctors",fetchxml).then(
function success(response)
for(var i=0; i<=response.entities.length; i++)
var responseobj=response.entities[i];
I am getting the data in response but i am not able to set to "preetham_refferdid"
Any idea is i am doing correct or any suggestion
You can insert debugger at line 1 of addFilter function, to check whether the addFilter is actually triggered by addPreSearch.
Hi Clofy Mao
Thats not the problem
in this addPreSearch should call addfilter function but its not calling addfilter its terminating .
I found this i am also using version 9.0
Hi preetham,
Maybe it caused by this line
It will get the record id and curly bracket, please remove the extra bracket using regex and test again.
department[0].id.replace(/\{|\}/gi, "").toLowerCase();
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