Hi All,
Can I disable retry of batch class that is implement BatchRetryable interface in D365 FO?
I tried to use Batch class configuration overrides to make it non retryable but it does not work any hint?
Hi All,
Can I disable retry of batch class that is implement BatchRetryable interface in D365 FO?
I tried to use Batch class configuration overrides to make it non retryable but it does not work any hint?
You might be trying to add field at batch job level. If yes, then please click on jobId to go to batch job details and in Batch task grid, insert column. This is form grid where controller class is specified.
Hi Mohit,
"maximum retries to zero"== I am not found the field
Also I tried to stop and start Sql service but btach class override does not work.
Microsoft suggests to make our code compatible with retryable. If SQL Transient error occurs at record 50th put of 100 then during retry it will not start from 51st but from first record. So, if you are inserting records in a table then code should check if already inserted so it can skip during retry.
So, instead of disabling retry, probably you can check if you can handle it in code.
Also, Please test setting maximum retries to zero so we know it's feasible.
Hi Mohit,
I had An issue when I run class and I have some customers don't have email, the process is failed then the retry it start, so some customers get duplicated emails due to retry of the batch.
"are you testing this feature by stopping and starting SQL service. ?" ===No I will try it now
Can you try setting maximum retries to zero in Batch task, add this field via personalization.
CustAccountStatementExtController class was accepted because retryable is True in this class. If you try any class where its false, you will get an error 'The batch class xxxxxxxController is already configured with retryable = No. Please delete the record if no additional changes are needed.'
May I know why do you want to disable retry and are you testing this feature by stopping and starting SQL service.
Yes. I added it to this form and I unchecked the check box but it does not work also I notice something the class is controller class and it does not appear in the dropdown list but when I copy it it take it.
Please confirm that you have added the class in this form and didn't checked 'Is retryable' checkbox. If you have checked the checkbox then it won't work.
This feature should work for standard class (By default retryable yes) as well on custom classes. The lookup shows all classes where retryable is set to True.
Hi Mohit,
I tried it but it does not work
Hi Girish,
I tried it but it does not work maybe because it retryable by default. Also I tried to make extension /Eventhandler class for batch class to make extension on isRetryable method but it is hookable(false)
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