RE: Not Invoiced data under Purchase Orders in Role Center Purchase Agent
Hi Saurabh Shah :
The PO line information is totally correct. My question is when you use "Purchase Agent" role tailer and check "not invoiced" under Purchase Orders function.
When user click "not invoiced", they expect to see PO hasn't been fully invoiced but in reality, they see a lot of PO with fully receipt and invoiced.
I think the "not invoiced" data is actually from table 9055, purchase cue, the field,Not Invoiced.
Looking into the flow field, you can see the CalcFormula below:
Count("Purchase Header" WHERE (Document Type=FILTER(Order),Completely Received=FILTER(Yes),Invoice=FILTER(No),Responsibility Center=FIELD(Responsibility Center Filter)))
The most critic part is "Invoice=FILTER(No)"
If we create purchase invoice and use get purchase receipt line function then post this purchase invoice, the system won't update "invoice" field on origianl PO.
Under this circustance, under "not invoiced" list, user is always see a bounch of PO there but those PO may already fully receive and invoice. That's why users feel confused.
Not sure if this is kind of bug or just system use its own logstic to show data.