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Dynamics 365 contact sync issues with Outlook

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I use MS Dynamics 365 running with Outlook 365 and would like to sync contacts.

For a year, I added contacts to customer accounts in Dynamics by creating the Account in Dynamics and then add the contact in Outlook by tracking via the Outlook Dynamics 365 add-in. This worked, altough it created contact doubles in Outlook address book for all of the synced contacts.

Lately, Outlook started to change the 'display as' field for contacts itself. The 'display as' field then appears with just the e-mail address, instead of the contact name without the ( extension. As a result, sent messages appear in the Sent items folder without showing the recipients in the overview and just show the email address in the mail itself. 

This occurs not in all doubled contacts. Changing one doubled contact does not affect the other doubled contact in Outlook.

Since a couple of weeks, I can no longer track contacts in Outlook. A newly created contact in Outlook, does no longer appear as 'not yet tracked' in the Outlook-contacts overview in the Dynamics 365 add-in. Once I create the same contact with e-mail directly in Dynamics, the person is however correctly tracked in Sales opportunities or accounts that were previously selected to be tracked.

Can you please advice how to get rid of these sync issues?

  • Alan Ericson Profile Picture
    Alan Ericson on at
    RE: Dynamics 365 contact sync issues with Outlook

    One option would be resetting the contacts. Here is an overview of the steps:

    1. Check sync method in Dynamics 365 for your mailbox record and disable for ACT
      1. If using SSS -- update the mailbox record to 'none' for ACT and save
      2. If using Outlook -- update the mailbox record to 'none' for ACT and save -- also, remove the integration on your Outlook client using the configuration wizard
    2. Download the EWS editor for Dynamics 365 --
    3. Open the .exe for the EWS editor > file > new exchange service > enter in the EWS URL for Exchange > enter in the credentials for the user mailbox > connect
    4. In EWS editor > select the Dynamics 365 tab > mailbox cleanup wizard
    5. Select the option to clean-up contacts -- set the filter to contacts with CrmId contains {
    6. The above filter will return all CRM contacts and not contacts that were native in Outlook and never synched with CRM -- run the delete (soft delete will move the item to the deleted items folder)
    7. Once complete -- update the mailbox record in CRM for the ACT sync
      1. If using SSS -- run the test & enable step on the mailbox with the check box selected to sync with this organization
      2. If using Outlook COM addin, update the mailbox record back to Outlook for ACT in CRM and run the configuration wizard

    The above steps should help clean-up any duplicates or contacts that are no longer in-sync with CRM. The final step should re-sync the contacts from CRM to Outlook according to the user's personal sync filters.

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