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Microsoft Dynamics NAV (Archived)

Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

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Posted on by 3,079

I've recently inherited a slightly modified NAV 2013 installation, and I'm trying to do my first Cumulative Update on it.  I was able to see that there are a handful of Tables, Codeunits, and Pages that show as modified in our system that have changes included in this CU.  I assume my next step is to confirm whether the specific fields, functions, etc...have been changed within those objects.

This is where I'm a bit stuck, however.  We have a developer license, but when I try to export the object to text it says I don't have permission.  Also, when I try to open a codeunit in the designer it says I don't have permission.  How else can I check these changes?  Or is there some other step in between I'm missing?

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  • awalters Profile Picture
    awalters 3,079 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    Just got confirmation from partner that yes, our license is insufficient, and that they do the updates for their clients (and would we like an estimate of cost).  Highly disappointed that this is the case, and that it was not mentioned before we purchased the software.  We're definitely going to look into moving away from the customizations as much as possible (it looks like some of the customized things we might be able to do OOTB in 2015), in order to minimize this reliance.

  • awalters Profile Picture
    awalters 3,079 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    Unfortunately the patch we're trying to do has about 10 overlaps with modified code, between pages, tables and codeunits.  I think we may just end up not patching for now, which is unfortunate, but we weren't told we'd have to pay for someone else to do upgrades, and it's not in our budget right now.

    Thank you for helping me clarify this whole situation.  It's not the answer I was hoping for, but what can you do.  :-)

  • Verified answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 44,656 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    It depends upon your database and the patch, if your database is not customized which is unlikely but lets assume the patch has 50 objects and if those 50 objects are not customized then you don't need to merge you can just import it.

    So it really depends how many objects are customized and what objects are contained in the patch.

  • awalters Profile Picture
    awalters 3,079 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    The licensing for NAV is something I've not been able to wrap my brain around (I've used Dynamics CRM a lot and the licensing is completely different - and frankly vastly better).  That link looks very helpful - thank you!!  I believe we do only have App Developer, then from the looks of that.

    I'd contacted our partner as well, but generally responses seem to take quite some time, so I was hoping to get an answer in a little more timely fashion.  :-)

    So - it looks like one way or the other we're going to have to pay an extra amount on top of our current maintenance plan and license to be able to actually install patches?  We're a charity and cost is a major factor for us.  I was definitely hoping to be able to manage patches in house with no additional costs.  Do we even have enough permissions without Solution Developer to install patches if there *aren't* conflicts?

  • Verified answer
    Suresh Kulla Profile Picture
    Suresh Kulla 44,656 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    To export the objects into text format you need to have Solution Developer License there are two kinds of developer license Application Builder which i believe you have it which has limitations. You need to contact your partner who will have solution developer license will be able to export the objects into NAV.

    About the licenses and granules please check the below link

    You may also need to consider using MergeTool for merges.

  • awalters Profile Picture
    awalters 3,079 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?

    As far as I know the license we have is what's in there.  What should we be seeing under Tools > License to confirm this?  In addition to User we have a number of lines for pages, reports, codeunits, etc...

    The instructions I'm trying to follow are here (which seem quite similar to your second link):,en-us,2834770

      It's the step about manually applying changes to modified objects I'm getting stuck on...I don't know if I need to do this, as I don't know if the changes themselves actually conflict, and if they do I don't know how to do this manual change.

    As for your first link, that seems specific to 2015, since it references the 2015 Developer Shell (and there's no option to show the equivalent doc for earlier versions).

  • Rajasekhar@MS Profile Picture
    Rajasekhar@MS 5,567 on at
    RE: Updating a modified NAV - how to check for conflicts?


    First you need to change / upload the license then you will be able to access tables, Pages

    to change / upload license refer the below

    for the cumulative update changes you need to compare and merge changes, refer the below



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