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Error when trying to create an association with Create Entity

Posted on by 5

Hi there, 

I'm using the Dynamics REST Web API to try and create + associate an entity per documentation here:

However I am running into an error that I'm struggling to understand. 

Here is the request I'm trying to make:

And here is the response I get back from the api:

Any ideas why I could be getting this error and what this error means?



  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,964 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Error when trying to create an association with Create Entity


    I would suggest you to use Rest Builder link provided below to generate Rest Web API code. That way you will zero percentage chance of making an error.

    It is a managed solution which you can install in your instance.

    Please mark my answer verified if I were helpful!

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,323 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Error when trying to create an association with Create Entity


    I see few potential issues in your code. Here is the post that I used as an example -

    Question - what type of the record you are trying to create record for - is it regular contact?

    Then line with reference should look like following:

    'objectid_contact@odata.bind': '/contacts(C5DDA727-B375-E611-80C8-00155D00083F)'

    if you have some custom entity with the schema name msdyn_contactpricelist then your line should look like:

    'objectid_msdyn_contactpricelist@odata.bind': '/msdyn_contactpricelists(C5DDA727-B375-E611-80C8-00155D00083F)'

    Good luck.

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