I'm having trouble with using the standard button for using flows, for this instance i'm trying to use it on Journeys.
The purpose being that i need to trigger a flow that i've created that will stop all live journeys, but when trying to use the standard layout of buttons i'm not allowed somehow.
When using the command bar editor it's read only and i'm not able to use it in anyway.
By default, the 'Flow' button is hidden in the journey table through enabling Command checker to check it.
--Maybe you need change or delete this rule.
When using the command bar editor it's read only and i'm not able to use it in anyway.
--Based on this documentation, the OOB button flow can't be customized in the Command designer currently.
If so, you can use a community tool, Ribbon Workbench, to visually edit ribbons using the UI.
I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Leah
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