Hi everyone,
I'm trying to read a text file with this content
"8020100172" "Test" "UNI" "8020" "802010" "10" "10" "23" "23 EXIST" "FITO" "1236547896541"
And I'm trying to insert this information in table Item, Item Unit of Measure and BarCodes.
So my xmlport insert in Item table but nothing is added in the other two tables and no erro is show. How can I do this? Am I writing code in the wrong place or maybe need to setfilter on item no? I'm a little confused and all the example I've see is only to add in one table.
I feel like the code is being ignored and not being runned.
OnInitXMLport() nbOfSuccess := 0; nbOfError := 0; OnPreXMLport() OnPostXMLport() MESSAGE('Sucess adding items %1 of %2', nbOfSuccess, nbOfSuccess+nbOfError);
Item - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord() EVALUATE(Item."No.",No); EVALUATE(Item.Description, Description); EVALUATE(Item."Base Unit of Measure", BaseUnitOfMeasure); EVALUATE(Item."Item Category Code", ItemCategoryCode); EVALUATE(Item."Product Group Code", ProductGroupCode); EVALUATE(Item."Unit Cost", UnitCost); EVALUATE(Item."Last Direct Cost", LastDirectCost); EVALUATE(Item."Gen. Prod. Posting Group",GenProdPostingGroup); EVALUATE(Item."VAT Prod. Posting Group",VATProdPostingGroup); EVALUATE(Item."Item Tracking Code", ItemTrackingCode); EVALUATE(Item."Sales Unit of Measure", BaseUnitOfMeasure); Item.VALIDATE(Item."VAT Bus. Posting Gr. (Price)", 'NAC'); Item.VALIDATE(Item."Inventory Posting Group", 'PROD'); Item.VALIDATE(Item."Item Disc. Group",'ALL'); IF Item.INSERT AND CodBarras.INSERT AND "Item Unit of Measure".INSERT THEN BEGIN nbOfSuccess += 1; MESSAGE('Item %1 ADDED with success', No); END ELSE BEGIN nbOfError += 1; MESSAGE('Error in item %1. Maybe already exists', No); END
Item Unit of Measure - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord() EVALUATE("Item Unit of Measure"."Item No.",No); EVALUATE("Item Unit of Measure".Code, BaseUnitOfMeasure); IF NOT "Item Unit of Measure".INSERT(TRUE) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE('Error Item Unit of Measure', No); END
CodBarras - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord() EVALUATE(CodBarras."Item No.",No); EVALUATE(CodBarras."Barcode No.", Barcode); EVALUATE(CodBarras.Description, Description); EVALUATE(CodBarras."Unit of Measure Code",BaseUnitOfMeasure); EVALUATE(CodBarras."Last Date Modified",FORMAT(TODAY)); IF NOT CodBarras.INSERT(TRUE) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE('Error in BarCode', No); END
Item Unit of Measure - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord()
EVALUATE("Item Unit of Measure"."Item No.",No);EVALUATE("Item Unit of Measure".Code, BaseUnitOfMeasure);
IF NOT "Item Unit of Measure".INSERT(TRUE) THEN BEGIN MESSAGE('Ocorreu um erro a acrecentar na "Item Unit of Measure". Provavelmente o produto %1 já existe', No);END
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