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Disable Anonymous registration when use Marketing Forms / Prefill Marketing forms with Dataverse data

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Hi everyone,

I have two questions regarding the event registration:

1- Is it possible to use a marketing form for registration and at the same time disable the anonymous registration option? I want that when the participant clicks on the "register now" button he will be directed to the Login page and then fill out the form. However, when I enable the use of the Marketing form, the anonymous registration option disappears.

2- I would like that when the participant logs in, his data is prefilled in the form. However, the page only takes data from the browser cookies, and I would like it to take data from the contacts in the Dataverse. Is it possible to do this? Would it be only in Angular source code?

Thanks in advance.

  • Suggested answer
    Jan Vlasak Profile Picture
    Jan Vlasak on at
    RE: Disable Anonymous registration when use Marketing Forms / Prefill Marketing forms with Dataverse data

    Hello Henrique,

    Marketing forms can only be used to gather marketing data from anonymous users - for authenticated users you need to use the standard Event Management forms. Regarding the prefill - even though a contact is identified by a cookie, the data is actually being pulled from Dataverse and not from the cookie itself. If you mean filling data for authenticated users (without the cookie), you are correct you'd need to get the data first, in a secure way, and then fill the form using the Javascript (whether that is your own form hosting or the sample angular website).



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