Hi All,
I am having issues importing Variants[Color] trough DIXF in AX2012. Some variants are being imported correctly and some are not.
Error e.g: Cannot create a record in Products (EcoResProduct). Product number: 15899011 : : : D :, toppainting8888 R.
The record already exists.
When looking trough the issue.. in the EcoResProduct table everything is imported as well as in the EcoResDistinctProductVariant table . but I don't understand why some items have their Variant[Color] properly referenced and some just not.
real example import :
from DIXF (two different items+variants):
From EcoResProduct
Both seems like they were imported just the same way (looks normal). but when I open the Variants(Color[Rev.]) form from the the Released Product Form; the 15949005 : : : B : is not showing any reference to the B color. I don't get it why
How is that is was already imported as the error says ? just don't get it... your help woulb be really appreciated