i am having problems trying to update records through NAV 2015 OData WS.
I am getting: "The etag value '28;X8MAAAJ7/0EARAAwADAAMQAAAAAA9;7238058930;' specified in one of the request headers is not valid. Please make sure only one etag value is specified and is valid."
This is what i get if i do a GET:
GET http://*******:****/****/Odata/Company('***')/Socios('AD001')?$format=json
{ "odata.metadata": "http://*********.es:****/******/OData/$metadata#Socios/@Element", "N_x00BA_": "AD001", "Nombre": "JESUS", "ETag": "28;X8MAAAJ7/0EARAAwADAAMQAAAAAA9;7238058930;" }
I am trying to update with this call:
PUT http://********.*****.es:****/*****/Odata/Company('****')/Socios('AD001') HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate Authorization: Basic bGlmZXVzZXI6QXRhbWExYXRhbWEx OData-MaxVersion: 4.0 OData-Version: 4.0 If-Match: 28;X8MAAAJ7/0EARAAwADAAMQAAAAAA9;7238058930; Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Content-Length: 107 Host: **********.*****.es:**** Connection: Keep-Alive User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5) { "N_x00BA_": "AD001", "Nombre": "JESUS", "ETag": "28;X8MAAAJ7/0EARAAwADAAMQAAAAAA9;7238058930;" }
Can i get some help?
Thx you very much.
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