Hey All:
I am developing a product where I've got multiple procedures tied to the "Add_Successful_Login_Record" script, and I've got a couple of questions that I haven't seemed to be able to answer.
1) do the triggers fire in the order that is returned from the Trigger_RegisterProcedure function? The reason I need to know the order is because I have a program that a) checks to ensure that all of its tables are available, and b) requires immediate knowledge of who logged in. I'm getting weird errors with things trying to fire backwards on me, and figured it would be best to find out the answer to this one before I burn hours debugging my code.
2) is there - anywhere - recorded a list of the [core] scripts that fire and in what order? In the documentation, I've seen one attached to "Security", and thanks to David I found a better candidate for one of my scripts in Trigger_RegisterFocus(anonymous(form Toolbar)) [which if anyone is interested will allow you to peg out when a new user is logged in after one is already logged in. Sorry, I don't have a link to the original.] But I haven't seen anywhere a list of what we can (and should) attach to for various purposes.
Thanks all! This forum has certainly made me a better coder!