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Knowledge Base articles do not show up in Cases when using the Customer Service Hub

Posted on by 5

Trying to use the Customer Service Hub for creating/maintaining cases, but I have one major problem point.  I can't get any knowledge articles to show up.  If I go back to the previous version they are there and I can link them to cases without any problem.

Here you can see that there are multiple Knowledge base articles found if I don't use the hub:


Below is a picture of the same Case in the Customer Service hub:


  • SE-23071427-0 Profile Picture
    SE-23071427-0 5 on at
    RE: Knowledge Base articles do not show up in Cases when using the Customer Service Hub

    Ok, well I was able to add a second Knowledge Base Search onto the Case form, since the current one is locked.  I set the properties both ways saved and published, and am still not able to pull up a single article.  So I think the issue is somewhere else?  Thanks again for the help....


  • SE-23071427-0 Profile Picture
    SE-23071427-0 5 on at
    RE: Knowledge Base articles do not show up in Cases when using the Customer Service Hub

    Thank you very much for your reply.  I have been trying this morning to find the Knowledge Base Search Properties, but to no avail.  Maybe the fact that I don't have the search feature is part of the problem?


  • LeoAlt Profile Picture
    LeoAlt 16,329 on at
    RE: Knowledge Base articles do not show up in Cases when using the Customer Service Hub

    Hi partner,

    1.Please go to Knowledge Search feature in Customer Service Hub directly and try again.


    2.Open the UCI case form editor and check if you've set the Automatic Filitering.



    Best Regards,


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