Hi all,
Using the standard version of Microsoft's Payments model, I cannot Generate Payments from a customer payment journal in any format, my own or Microsoft's formats (eg: BACS (UK), ISO2002 Camt.054. Every time I try, I get a variation on the same error.
This is the error from using the BACS (UK) format:
Evaluating expression for path 'DocumentDate'. Path 'Payments/Remittance/StructuredRemittances/DocumentDate' is not bound Evaluating binding of format component BACSReportsFolder/PaymentAdviceReport/ReportLines/InvoiceDate. An error occurred during the 'Format mapping' run. For more information, contact your system administrator. An error occurred during the 'Format mapping' run. For more information, contact your system administrator. Evaluating binding of format component BACSReportsFolder/PaymentAdviceReport/ReportLines/InvoiceDate. Error while evaluating expression for path 'DocumentDate'. Path 'Payments/Remittance/StructuredRemittances/DocumentDate' is not bound The payments cannot be generated