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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Generating picking list and packing slip on POS

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Posted on by 915

Dear All,

Can someone please guide how can we generate picking list and packing slip against any Sales Order on POS. ?

Also guide how can we achieve below:

we want to book a Sales order on POS but the stock is not available on showroom therefore need to reserve /dispatch from warehouse and invoice should be generated from POS  . Please guide step by step.



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  • Verified answer
    RAVINDER RANA Profile Picture
    RAVINDER RANA 685 on at
    RE: Generating picking list and packing slip on POS

    Hi Sarahahmed

    According to my understanding on POS , Create packing slip button is active only when the customer order is of type shipping as shown in picture below.


    So now you can directly create packing slip from the create packing slip button , if the customer order is of ship type.

    Please mark the solution as verified answer if your problem solved.



    Ravinder Rana

    AX Retail Functional Consultant


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Generating picking list and packing slip on POS


    What if packing slip is required to be directly created without creating picking list.

  • Suggested answer
    RAVINDER RANA Profile Picture
    RAVINDER RANA 685 on at
    RE: Generating picking list and packing slip on POS

    Hi Faiqa Usman

    After creating picking list , you have to click on PICKING AND RECEIVING button on POS and receive items for your sales order.

    After this you have to recall the order and create packing slip and complete the process.

    Please mark the solution as verified answer if your issue resolved.


    Ravinder Rana

    AX RETAIL Functional Consultant

  • Faiqa Khushi Profile Picture
    Faiqa Khushi 915 on at
    RE: Generating picking list and packing slip on POS

    Thank You Sirdharan,I am following the same steps. But don't know why Packing Slip button is disable on POS. I have created Customer Order..then Recall ship material from WH to customer...I press create picking list button.. I received message...picking list is created...and document status becomes PROCESSING....I am unable to generate/print packing these two buttons are disabled...please let me know if I am missing something ??

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Generating picking list and packing slip on POS


    You can follow the below steps

    1) Since you want to reserve the stock and ship from Warehouse, you have to create transactions as customer order instead Cash & Carry transaction.

    2) POS > Order > Press Create Customer order > Scan all items > Choose Ship Selected/All or Pickup selected/All. If you are using contoso default screen layouts then you can see all above buttons. If not then you have to create buttons accordingly.

    3) Choose the location and Charge.

    4) Pay the deposit amount. Deposit amount can be configured in Retail parameters > Customer order and it can be overridden  by using Override deposit operation.

    5) Choose the tender and close the transaction

    6) It would create a Sales order in AX at real time. Based on Item model group, AX reserves the stock and ready to ship from warehouse.

    7) You can recall the transaction from POS by using Recall orders operation and close the transaction by paying remaining amount.

    8) Please note that Pickup and Ship works differently in Invoice posting.

    Hope it helps. Let me know if you need any further help on this. I have given only high level information for your initial understanding.

    Sridharan J

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