Sorry if this is a repeat question. I couldn’t find anything here though. I’m trying to find out if there’s a way to look up of each view of or revision of an open ticket in Great Plains. Thanks! One Cognizant
Sorry if this is a repeat question. I couldn’t find anything here though. I’m trying to find out if there’s a way to look up of each view of or revision of an open ticket in Great Plains. Thanks! One Cognizant
There is a table in SQL that holds the audit trail for service calls so you can see who did what. The table is SVC00210. If you search by the service call number (CALLNBR) you should see what you are looking for.
Hi Kimberly,
I don't quite understand your question ?... what do you mean by "open ticket in Great Plains" ?
This here is just a forum... there are no tickets posted here for official Microsoft support.. this place here is based on goodwill support by other forum users and some Microsoft engineers that watch the forum on the side.
If want to know the status on support tickets you opened directly with Microsoft, that would be in your Customer Source web page... not here.
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