Hi There,
I want asking the issue about Project Budget. Our customer using Dynamics 365 Finance Operations (Current Version 10.0.30) and using Project Budget in module Project Management & Accounting. Since 2018 they always get error when create PR, Confirmed PO, or Create PO Invoice.
In Project Budget Balance, Remaining Amount Should be enough.
This is configure of Cost Control:
Is anyone here have the same experience regarding project budget like me?
I really appreciate if we can sharing about this issue.
Warm Regards,
HI Suraj Pathak
Can you share the following details?
1. Project Budget Form showing Categories, Activities and Values
2. PO / PR Line Showing Error with Category and Activity on Line level
3. Budget Control Configuration on Project Level
If your budget control on Project for Budget Control Interval is other than "Total Budget"I would suggest updating it to "Total Budget"and Try again.
Please let us know if this helps.
Sir, after checking all the things, still facing the issue of remaining balance
Hi Masha
I am working with PMA module since a couple of years, but I haven't seen any error unless there is genuine calculation mistake in budget.
I would suggest checking your budget specially the level of detail you are using it on transaction level. Example use budget by categories and check if you are exceeding your cost on once specific categories or are you spending on transaction type /categories which is not covered by budget. Once you identify the issue, revise the budget.
In MS document most of PMA Document is now changed to MSD365PO document so following is the link of AX 2012 document which is having almost same process for Project Budget : sandeepchaudhuryd365.com/.../
Please let us know if this helps.
Yes, I am also Facing the same issue in Project Management "On-premises" and currently using the 31 version.
Hi Charlotte,
Thanks for your information.
But we not configure the chart of account with related ledger posting project category in budget control configuration :)
Warm Regards,
If you setup the budget in the budgeting module, then check your budget control configuration and how this is specified.
Check especially the postings and accounts that are used when posting a project related PO.
Please refer to this thread:
(+) po Invoice getting error With project budget - Dynamics 365 Finance Forum Community Forum
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