does anyone too faces syncing problems for dynamic demographic segments based on a static marketing list, where contacts have been removed from the static marketing list, but are not removed from the segment?
I have a static marketing list with currently 8049 contacts, but in the Segment based on the contacts are 8 632 contacts.
There have been more people (probably 8 632 contacts) in the static marketing list, but the sales persons (owner of the contacts) had two weeks to remove their contacts from the marketing list and so from the campaign. So the list has shrinked in the last two weeks from 8 632 contacts to 8039 contacts. But in Dynamics Marketing (in the customer insights cloud) the marketing list still contains all contacts and has not removed the removed contacts.
Currently two of our customers face this problem, that removed contacts from a static marketinglist are not removed in the dynamic segment.
Thanks in advance, Carolin