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Marketing form, error message and time of the errormessage

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Hello all,

currently we have a marketing form in use, this is integrated via code in a website.

Now we want to change the error messages and need support. What code content needs to be added to customize the error messages?

We would like to implement the following things:

Increasing error message time. There is currently a timer on how long the error message shows after you press submit. So we need the error to stay until the user has actioned the error.

Maybe ist es notwendig die Fehlermeldung ganz abzuändern wie in diesem Beispiel?

(+) Error Message in Marketing Form - Dynamics 365 Marketing Forum Community Forum

Best regards


  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Marketing form, error message and time of the errormessage

    Hi Mario,

    Please refer to the following documentation:

    Extend marketing forms using code (Dynamics 365 Marketing Developer Guide) | Microsoft Docs

    It provides the introduction about how to extend marketing form using code.

    And maybe you could describe more about where and when you want the error message to be shown.

    Of course a few screenshots can be attached to illustrate this.

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