RE: isv code aborted the operation
Hi Jahangir,
I am sorry, it should be :
Try to debug using Plugin profiler, but the plugin profiler in CRM 2013 has a bug so I give the link.
But my question is that the exception not being throwing as normal way(i.e as pop up window) and above mentioned error shown as only cross red sign? Hope you understand my question.
Yes, I know.
But the point is to fix your error, not to care about the pop up error.
For the Quote Product and Opportunity Product, if you got error then when give you Busines Error, because by design, CRM has their own plugin of business logic once user create a Product Line, for example, they will add all to sum all the Amount, Discount, Tax, etc.
Then, let's say you have error in plugin, it will distruct the system plugin as well, this one is different if you create a plugin for custom entity or system entities that does not have any related process.
Sometime same error occurred while adding product from subgrid of Product on Quote form, even not registring any plugin.
I think the error, is maybe you create a plugin for Quote?