Does anybody know how to change the default behaviour of notes in the timeline so it displays the "Created By" field rather than the "Modified By" field?
Your suggestions are greatly Appriciated.
Does anybody know how to change the default behaviour of notes in the timeline so it displays the "Created By" field rather than the "Modified By" field?
Your suggestions are greatly Appriciated.
You can change the default form layout for Note enitty in timeline component.
1. Go to and get in the edit page of your form.
2. Select the timeline component on form.
3. Find "Record settings" in the right panel and target "Notes" under REcord settings, Click the "Default form".
4. Change the "Data field" to Created By.
5. Publish all the changes.
Here is a picture show about the steps:
Result screenshot after published changs:
If you are using online instance . we can update this using power apps forms
I have tested this
please find the link below
Please check this as answer if the issue resolved.
There is no OOB way to customize the notes on the timeline. We can’t display the "Created By" field rather than the "Modified By" field.
Hope this helps,
Hello Mehran,
I added a screen inside the post.
Thanks for your interest.
I think there is no OOB functions to change "modified by" field display on timeline.
Please see annotation entity records to check it.
can you send a screenshot to more help?
best regards.
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