can anyone explain to me the usage of method linkactive() in datasource i need clear explanation please
can anyone explain to me the usage of method linkactive() in datasource i need clear explanation please
"This method is executed when a user moves to another record in the master data source. This causes an update to all linked data sources. The super() call in the method calls the FormDataSource.linkActive method on all linked child data sources if the LinkType property on the parent data source is set to Passive, Delayed, or Active. The linkActive method can be overridden on a form data source. Right-click the Methods node under the data source, point to Override Method, and then click linkActive."
"About linkActive(), this method is used by dynalinks. For example, you open Vendors form and Invoices from Vendors. A dynalink exists between these two forms so you see just invoices for the active vendor. If you choose another vendor, dynalink functionality calls linkActive() method in Invoices form and shows right invoices."
"linkActive() Calls the FormDataSource.exeuteQuery method on data sources that are linked to the current data source. So, without it, the related data won’t get updated when you move to another record on the master data source."
"The LinkActive is called when the active method in a dynalinked parent form is called. Commonly overridden to change the user interface to correspond to a different parent record (element.args().record())."
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