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Marketing Emails with own HTML template (static link tracking)

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Hello everybody,

I'm working on the following scenario right now:

We moved from Mailchimp to Dynamics for weekly newsletter dispatch.
On Mailchimp we imported the html source code from our own system directly and didnt adjusted anything for "static link tracking".

Now working with Dynamics we asked yourself how is it possible to track the static links?
I know by now in the WYSIWYG editor that you've got a checkbox for "button: tracking" which generates an unique identifier in the source code.

Is there any possibility to "fix" my issue on tracking static links from our template? (Can adjust the template if needed)

Thanks a lot,

  • Verified answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: Marketing Emails with own HTML template (static link tracking)

    Hi Marc,

    Please refer to the following documentation.

    Email insights

    Marketing email messages provide the following categories on the Insights tab:

    • Links: Provides an analysis of each link included in the message. It includes a graphical reproduction of the message that shows a heat map highlighting your links. The heat map shows a red overlay to indicate the most clicked link, and follows the spectrum down to blue, which indicates the least clicked link. Hover your mouse pointer over a link to see the number of total clicks, unique clicks, and the click-through rate (total number of unique clicks for a given link divided by the total number of unique clicks overall). Use the drop-down list at the top of the heat map to choose which KPI to use when coloring the links. All links are also listed in a table below the heat map.

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