RE: CoA Level of Accounts
Hi Ludwig, I´m having some troubles with total accounts and management report, I need to show "account levels" in a similar way that is explained in this post, for example, account 10000 is a total account of level 1, 11000 is a total account of level 2... and so on until the last level (8 levels!) that is the account with transactions, the other accounts of totals only show in "cascade" mode the summarize of the accounts of the inmediately down level... the problem is that in management report only show the account with transactions and the inmediately up account, and not show the next 6 levels... do you have any idea? I´m afraid that dynamics only allow 2 levels of total accounts... please help me!
100000000000 Asset TOTAL
110000000000 Disponibilities TOTAL
110100000000 Cash TOTAL
110110000000 Cash National currency TOTAL
110110100000 Cash National currency, national banks TOTAL
110110101010 Bank XX asset
In that example, the account 100000000000 show the sum of the accounts 110..., 120... 130..., 140... , the account 110000000000 show the sum of the accounts 1110..., 1120, 1130, 1140... and so until the last account