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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

CoA Level of Accounts

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi All,

We would like to import a chart of Accounts in AX 2012 R2 and we want to define the levels of accounts in order to specify that some of the accounts are a sublevel of the other.
For example the accounts and are both of level 4 and they should be under the account 30.00.00 that is of level 3.
Where can we define the levels of each account and the account of the upper level that each account belongs



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  • Kenneth Eduardo Profile Picture
    Kenneth Eduardo 20 on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Any ideas?

  • Kenneth Eduardo Profile Picture
    Kenneth Eduardo 20 on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    I´m using "totaling accounts" in the row definition:


    The accounts in the field "formula" also are total accounts.   I made the next example, it is like a "matrix/pyramidal" shape, and I need to show the amount of each account of the trial balance (including total accounts) in a single row of the report (Management report):


    ...Is there a restriction for the number of "total account levels" that can be setup in Dynamics? Why the report dont show amounts in the rest of the account levels?

    Thank you!

  • Suggested answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hello Kenneth,

    Can't the summary of the accounts you are looking for be achieved by making use of total lines that you include in the row definition?

    As an example, you have a list of accounts that are summarized into a total line.

    Let's call this total line A.

    Then you have a number of other accounts that are summarized in total line B.

    Total line A and total line B are then included in another calculated row C.

    This does not exactly give you the grouping functionality you might be used to from Excel but wouldn't that be an acceptable reporting format?

    Best regards,


  • Kenneth Eduardo Profile Picture
    Kenneth Eduardo 20 on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hi Ludwig, I´m having some troubles with total accounts and management report, I need to show "account levels" in a similar way that is explained in this post, for example, account 10000 is a total account of level 1, 11000 is a total account of level 2... and so on until the last level (8 levels!) that is the account with transactions, the other accounts of totals only show in "cascade" mode the summarize of the accounts of the inmediately down level... the problem is that in management report only show the account with transactions and the inmediately up account, and not show the next 6 levels... do you have any idea? I´m afraid that dynamics only allow 2 levels of total accounts... please help me!


    100000000000 Asset TOTAL

    110000000000 Disponibilities TOTAL

    110100000000 Cash TOTAL

    110110000000 Cash National currency TOTAL

    110110100000 Cash National currency, national banks TOTAL

    110110101010 Bank XX asset

    In that example, the account 100000000000 show the sum of the accounts 110..., 120... 130..., 140... , the account 110000000000 show the sum of the accounts 1110..., 1120, 1130, 1140... and so until the last account

  • Suggested answer
    guk1964 Profile Picture
    guk1964 10,877 on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Create the structure in Excel and load it - make the different level accounts e.g. 30.00.00 should be set up as total accounts consisting of the level below- much like a multi level BOM. total accounts. level 0 Total count will then contain all the level 1 total accounts etc. This way you can see an on line summarised trial balance of the total accounts by level.

  • Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hi Michalis,

    I cannot see potential issue by making this COA feature available for your country environment. Yet, please double check with a colleague from the development department to have a close look 'behind the scenes' (that is into the code) to ensure that this is correct.

    Best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hi Ludwig,

    it seems that Chinese structure is very appropriate to my case. As in my country it's not an official localisation (we are located in European Union) could you identify any potential issues that may arise if we do built our localisation on Chinese?



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Thanks :)

  • Verified answer
    Ludwig Reinhard Profile Picture
    Ludwig Reinhard Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hi Michalis,

    There is not too much code behind this functionality and I would suggest that you take a look at this functionality togehter with a developer to assess whether he/she can make this country-specific feature generally available for you.

    Please try to test it throughly in a demo environment first to see if all your requirements are covered.

    Would be great if you could Keep us updated here how things are going and if some additional help is required.

    Many thanks and best regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: CoA Level of Accounts

    Hi Ludwig,

    What is shown for China is what exactly we need. The question is if it is possible through std functionality to define the parent account of an account. e.g. the parent of 30.00 account (level2) is 30 account (level 1).



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