We are setting up the Dual write configuration wherein I wanted to connect the F&O instance with new CE environment.
We wanted to connect F&O environment with "CE environment 02" but it is already connected to "CE environment 01" which is the old CE environment.
path: dual write-> reset link ->select environment (I am getting only older CE Environment to connect)
1) The scenario already exist is F&O connected with CE01
2) The scenario we wanted to achieve is F&O connected with CE02 (new CE Environment).
Can anyone help me with the process to achieve connecting the F&O instance to new CE Environment?
Also, while checking how to solve this issue for "NEW VM" we got this screen from "Microsoft" stating how to enable power platform integration below.
While creating new VM in Finance and operation for adding new CE Environment.
If I keep the configure Power Platform environment as “No” so that once new VM deployed, I can connect with the existing database. Correct?
Hi AyuSri,
When you set up a connection with a Power Platform/CE environment, the connection is fixed and can't be changed anymore. If this is a non-production environment, you can delete the environment and build a new one from scratch with a new connection. If you are referring to a production environment, I would suggest you contacting Microsoft Support.
Hello Kobi
When we create a new cloud hosted environment from LCS , how do we know whether its a sandbox environment or it is just a dev environment ?
Or do we call a dev environment as sandbox only ?
Hello AyuSri,
What happens when you ran the reset link ? This is meant to remove the old environment from FO.
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