Hi All
I need to duplicate a security role and adjust it to allow a user read only access to our system. After a bit of reading, I've seen that i need to duplicate the privileges/duties etc. I've started doing this and then amending the options to read only but found that if i amend entity access to ready only, it affects other profiles with access to that entity as well. From what i can see, we can't duplicate the entity but as i am amending the actions the user can carry out, do i leave entity permissions as they are?
When i look at the section for Duties/Privileges it also shows Entities and how the role can delete/read/update that entity and the permissions needed for that
Hi Steve,
You can get quite far by creating a new role and link "View" and "Inquire" duties only. Microsoft already created privileges and duties with view only permissions. You can reuse them instead of copying all security artifacts and amend them.
Hey Steve,
What do you mean by entity?
André Arnaud de Cal...
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