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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Barcode masks and label printing in AX2012 R3 warehouse management

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I had a couple of questions related to barcoding:

1. How do I tell the system on the number of labels to be printed?
for example: I received 10 boxes of the same item and I need to print 10 labels or users inputs the number of labels required.

2. Is it possible to mask multiple fields(Data elements) Into a single barcode(2D Barcoding) in a label. If that is possible then does the scanning device have the capability to read it and fill out data on multiple fields using single barcode.

For example: Item number and Batch number.


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  • Nori Sri Soury Profile Picture
    Nori Sri Soury 40 on at
    RE: Barcode masks and label printing in AX2012 R3 warehouse management


    Did you mange to get a solution for this:

    "1. How do I tell the system on the number of labels to be printed?

    for example: I received 10 boxes of the same item and I need to print 10 labels or users inputs the number of labels required."

    I have similar requirement. Please let me what tables to change and how to route them. I have for now tried to create a new control in the WMS mobile device portal asking for number of barcodes to be printed for the same item based on each box. How can we route this to the system so that it will print the same number of barcodes mentioned. Any kind of suggestion is highly appreciated.


    Sri Soury Nori


    After lot of pondering I have got a solution for this.

    We need to create a control in the class


    ret += [this.buildControl(#RFText, 'Print Qty', "@SYS344689", 1, pass.lookupStr(#PQty), extendedTypeNum(PQty), '', 0)];


    And then in the displayForm() method, pass the control values in the arguments of labelBuild.buildLicensePlateLabels().

    goes like this:


    WhsLicensePlateLabelBuild.buildLicensePlateLabels(PQty _pQty = PQty)

    Now add a field in the table WHSLicensePlateLabel named as PQty.

    Next, in the method WhsLicensePlateLabelBuild.printLabel()

    enter this:

    licensePlateLabel.PrintedDate = systemDateGet(); // this line is already available.
    licensePlateLabel.PQty = pQty; // line we need to add.

    That's all.

    What happens next?

    documentRouting.printDocument(licensePlateLabel.WorkTransType, licensePlateLabel),


    finalStr = this.translate(WHSDocumentRoutingLayout::find(routingLine.LayoutId).zpl, _label);


    finalStr will get the number of bar code labels to be printed.


    @All, Please let me know if there are any potential drawbacks for this approach.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Sri Soury Nori

  • Suggested answer
    RamK Profile Picture
    RamK 2,580 on at

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