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Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

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We have created a custom security role to access Marketing app. Entities are visible. Have given org level read and append to privileges for the following entities.

  • Default Marketing Settings
  • Authenticated Domain
  • Authentication Settings
  • Content Settings
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Strategy Attributes
  • Website

Also configured permissions for Marketing module core entities as per the requirement.

But when we try to create the Segment the designer is loading for a long time. Not able to identify the missing privileges.

Please suggest how to identify the minimum privileges required to create core entities record in marketing.



  • Nithya Palanisamy Profile Picture
    Nithya Palanisamy 232 on at
    RE: Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

    Hi Elena,

    With admin privilege I'm able to create segment. The issue I was facing is with Custom Security role.

    I found the OOB security role "Marketing Manager- Business" which has only Marketing related permissions. After giving that security role able to create segment.


  • Nithya Palanisamy Profile Picture
    Nithya Palanisamy 232 on at
    RE: Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

    Hi Clofly,

    I gave the privileges as you mentioned. Custom control was not available under custom entities. It was under customizations. But It didn't work.

    I found the OOB security role "Marketing Manager- Business" which has only Marketing related permissions. After giving that security role able to create segment.


  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

    Hi Nithya,

    Could it work by assigning necessary privileges to those entities for your security role?



  • Suggested answer
    Petit Hibou Profile Picture
    Petit Hibou on at
    RE: Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

    Hi Nithya

    Can you please create an incident with additional details? We will need to know which organization is this happening for, which user and whether it’s the editor itself loading forever or segment metadata. Then we’ll be able to investigate this in more detail.



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Basic Privileges required to work in Marketing app

    Hi Nithya,

    Can you choose segment template in pop up dialog?

    You might also assign privileges on following entities for your custom security role:

    (All in Custom Entities tab)

    * Marketing Data Import

    Custom Control


    Segment Template(optional, if you can't select segment template in dialog)

    Here are some threads which are similar to your issue, you could take them as reference:(I have sum up required entities from these answers.)



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