We use AX2012 R3 CU13.
I create a purchase requisition which has over budget warning on line. The project is assigned to requisition and that project has budget control checked, Budget overrun default = 'Warn of overruns'. Purchase requisition and Purchase order check boxes are enabled in "Cost commitments" group and 'Use budget control' is checked in Project management parameters. I submit and approve the workflow for it, then go to 'Release approved purchase requisitions', select that requisition line with budget check warning and click 'Create purchase order'. The problem is that purchase order is created, but it's line has budget check result set to 'NoCheck', even referenced requisition line had 'PassedWithWarnings'. When I create PO without reference to requisition then budget status check is correct with warning. Debugger shows that if PO is created based on requisition then ProjectCommitmentFacade::updateProjectCommitments() is called, but it PO is created without reference to requisition then ProjectCommitmentFacade::checkProjectBudgets() is called. Existing project commitment is relived during update project commitments and then a new project commitment is created. Also ProjBudgetStatus record is deleted for requisition line and not created for PO line, that's why on PO warning is missing.
Does anybody have the same problem and how did you resolve it?
Thanks in advance!
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