Hello all,
Here is my problem :
I have a business unit USA with two child business units : USA West and USA East. I have in BU USA West, User 1 and in USA West, User 2.
User 1 should be able to create and write records belonging to his BU (so created by him for now since he is the only one), and he should also be able to READ ONLY records of BU USA.
So he should see records of his BU (USA WEST) and record of USA EAST but in read only.
I want the same behavior for User 2.
how can I achieve this ? Should I assign User 1 to BU USA and in his role, put the "create" and "write" on user only and the "read" on Business unit privilege ? Should I use a team and create 2 roles ?
If anyone could help me it would be great !
Thank you