So many questions but I'll try to start as briefly as possible.
I'm convinced D365 will be a great solution we can develop for our industry (audio/video integrators, security dealers). However, I'm struggling with how to set up the tables.
I come from some basic MS SQL programming background and think of data normalization when creating a database. However, so far I cannot grasp the D365 Dataverse...I'm assuming partly because they created it to be as open-ended as possible for maximum flexibility no?
My world where we are coming from (plus a little of where we want to get to):
We have accounts that are basically anyone we interact with and those can be set as a specific type. (Manufacturers, Distributors, Reps, Customers, Subcontractors, Service Providers, Friends/Family). Those accounts have contact records 1:N associated with them containing specific data for that contact. Contacts can have 1:N Profiles set to drive specific workflows like (this is the invoicing contact so all invoices will go to this person).
For accounts that are of the type "Customer" then they have locations 1:N for each residence they have us to service. That location drives all key field processes, work orders, dispatching, time tracking, invoicing, asset management.
We add Products to a work order and once that work order is complete and invoiced the product moves to the list of Assets for that location.
Dataverse Confusion
1. In Field Service 365 I don't see a way to designate an "Account Type". Do I just need to create a custom field for this?
I see Functional Locations but it's a bit confusing. If I have 1000 customers and I create an FL for each of them called Main Residence and put the address, then when I search to add a FL to a WO, 1000 "Main Residence" will effectively pop in the list...image below to see what I'm seeing.