Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me out with some errors I'm getting with receiving the documents with the OCR Service.
I am expecting a new vendor to error out when I receive the document back into NAV. When I correct the OCR data and send back the vendor name or Map Text to Account for the vendor name it goes to the next error which is the mapped currency is not found in the table. I'm using CAD for Canadian currency. The document I'm using always is analyzed with the currency code as being CND. I'm not sure where readsoft is getting this, it is not indicated on the document at all.
I have tried correcting the OCR data and sending it back to readsoft and running the document again starting with the 'new from file' and then 'send to OCR' service. It always returns the same error because CND is returned on the analysis instead of CAD for currency code.
I also tried changing the settings on the lexmark account to allow manual processing of document on the documents that have an error, corrected the currency code at readsoft but that did not work either.
Any insight into where CND would be coming from as it's not a standard currency code anywhere. I may have accidentally used that when I first setup the service on readsoft. Maybe there is a way to reset the learned data on readsoft. I have not see that.